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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Fast Weight Loss With These 2 Simple Methods - Apply Them and See the Fat Melt Off Your Body!

Looking for some fast weight loss? We all want to be slim and sexy and we all want to have that body now rather than later, unfortunately it often takes a longer period of time than we originally thought and it takes a lot of hard work. There are however a few things you can try to speed your way along and achieve some fast weight loss, try out these tips and you'll see what I mean:

1. Do HIIT Cardio

What is HIIT cardio? Well it stands for High Intensity Interval Training. What this means is that you're going to be jogging for about 1 minute, followed by 1 minute of sprinting, then 1 minute of jogging again followed by 1 minute of sprinting. It doesn't have to be 1 minute intervals though, you can keep it to 30 seconds, just go based on your personal level of fitness.

If you do try this however and keep it up for 20-30 minutes, you will get a much better workout than if you had done cardio for a full 60 minutes at a steady state. This cardio is brutal and it leaves you all sweaty afterwards. Not only that, but this workout is so effective, it leaves your metabolism elevated and allows you to burn more fat throughout the day rather than just during that short exercise session.

2. Eat Clean 24/7

What do I mean by eat clean 24/7? Well, rather than eating healthy 6 days out of the week and having a cheat meal or cheat day on the 7th, if you can go say 1 whole month without cheating one bit, you will see tremendous progress, much more than if you had 4-5 cheat meals in there.

So if you're looking for some fast weight loss, make sure you implement these tips, they may not be easy, but they get results.

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