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Saturday, October 12, 2013

Detox Weight Loss - 3 Tips to Lose Your Belly Flab Fast

Detox and rapid weight loss programs are frowned upon by most nutritionist and fitness experts. But in my opinion if you are overweight sometimes it takes a little bit of clever manipulation to drop those excess pounds. A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. Today I am going to share a few secrets with you to lose untold pounds as quick as the sun rises!

Tip One:

First of all you have to find a detox program that you can easily follow. You know as well as I do that there are hundreds of rapid weight loss programs online. They range in price from zero dollars to $30 or so. Failing that try your local library. Before the internet came along most of us read in hard copy form. Books are still out there somewhere! I know they are.

Tip Two:

Don't go mad and extensively exercise whilst you are doing a detox diet. You will lose far too much energy which may cause you to overeat. Keep up your fluids and avoid caffeine if you can. Another alternative is to drink herbal tea. Green tea may help you lose a few extra pounds as well.

Tip Three:

Do not stay on a dramatic weight loss program for any more than 6 - 8 days at a time. You will begin to feel fatigued and unwell at some stage. If you continue to do so you will lose far too much lean muscle mass or tissue. Remember the real trick is not to do it for long periods of time.

For More Related Topics Blog: Herbs For Weight Loss

For More Related Topics Blog: Herbs For Weight Loss

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